Diabetes and the Importance of Controlling Sugar Levels


Sugar is an epidemic in the Western world that currently affects 246 million sufferers . It is a chronic illness meaning that it is long lasting and often stays with someone their entire life . There is currently no cure , however many treatments have been found to manage and control the effects.

Diabetes can be a passed on from ancestors or self-induced disease that affects the metabolism resulting in a high   blood sugar levels. This affects the body in many different ways.  The body can normally react to high blood sugar  by manufacturing insulin. However, sufferers of diabetes experience either a diminished production of insulin or their body becomes resistant to its effects; resulting in two types of diabetes. Type 1 can be treated by insulin management , and type 2 can be managed through diet, exercise and a number of medications.

What can Cause The Disease?

Diabetes has been proven to be for the most part genetically inherited and is more common in later life . It can also be brought on by one’s unhealthy habits such as eating unhealthy foods and lack of exercise. Obesity , particularly around the abdominal area, creates a escalated risk of developing the disease. Less commonly , diabetes can be triggered by infection, stress or exposure to some drugs and chemicals. Some people are more vulnerable to these catalysts .


The disease can be discovered by a number of common symptoms such as mental fatigue, feeling tired , constant need to go to the toilet , bigger appetite, bigger thirst and consequent increased fluid consumption .

As a consequence of diabetes, the renal system has too much glucose for the body to process . This can eventually lead to a variety of symptoms . The escalated blood sugar level increases the amount of urine and higher fluid loss which can then result in kidney problems . When a higher than normal of glucose is results , it can cause blurred vision and retinal damage which can in turn lead to blindness. Another common sign of diabetes is nausea, vomiting and abnormal abdominal pain.

Managing and Preventing

Patients can treat the disease through a number of lifestyle changes . It is advisable to eat well and exercise on a regular basis to maintain a suitable weight. Patients are also required to measure blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. There are a number of clinical remedies on offer to lower both blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels to to near normal conditions ,  and reduce consequent damage that diabetes inflicts on the body.

In Summary

The incidence of diabetes has grown particularly in the Western world.  It can be acquired through inheritance from previous generations and through suboptimal day to day living habits.  There are a range of steps that can be taken to help people to control and live with the disease.

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