Benefits of workouts

Hey everyone, Yuri Elkaim is back with you with another episode of ask Yuri. Today we will talk on how to take 16 year old teenager from, you know, whoever that where he to be. Building some muscles, competing in MMA Kickboxing and as he says “Kick some ass.”


So let’s get to this. So here is what he is doing right now. His routine does lot of stuff at home. So basically he has 25 pounds dumbbell. He is doing 60 curls, 4 sits and 15 ups. He does 100 sit-ups 60 pushups, all in one workup section. There is biceps, pushups, sit-ups. That’s pretty much it. In order to get rid of tire around his waist, on his off days, he goes for jogging for 1 to 2 miles on the treadmill .


So here is what he wants to do. So he wants to get in shape for his MMA kickboxing classic competition he has taken part in, and wondering if he should be doing anything else for his Training workout, for instance, incorporating more protein shakes, something like that, help him build the muscles and get strong.


So here is the another question he has asked. He is not getting soar with the 60 curls anymore and feels like his biceps are being affected. So he wants to know, if he should run up the weights or do Fat burning workouts.


So basically he is following three things . Bicep curls, pushups, and sit-ups. It seems like, no offense, a binge workout . And if you want to look good in bikini or you know, I guess in most men’s cases in swimsuit . This is what you follow to some degree . You know, if you want to seriously put on some weight, put on some mass and compete in MMA .


You got to change things up, big time here. First of all, 25 pounds bicep curls, 15 ups. This is not going to do anything for you, if you are doing it over and over and over again. Progressive overloads are one of the key components of improving your fitness . Your biceps will not feel anything if you keep on doing 25 ups  . They have been plateau. You need to go 30 pounds, right, if you go to 30 pounds, drop your ups down to may be 10 ups, cramp your three to four fat. You can build up to 50 wraps if you focus is on building the bigger muscles then initially you want to pull down some size is fine. If the repetition range is 10 to 15 then limit the rest between 30 to 40 seconds, the focus should be increasing repetitions and decreasing rest time in order to get pumping muscles  . Ok.


So if you want to increase the waist you are challenging is more repetition range than your last up . It is like a really challenge. It should have been 15 no problem. So need to change things up. You need to change the type of exercises you are doing. Say if you are doing standing biceps curl, you may want to do pull-ups. You may want to do inclined bicep curls. You may want to do preacher curls. You should use different techniques towards your targeted muscle parts .

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