As a nations youth is oftentimes told to save your money and stay out of debt unlike their parents, families lose an important issue. The generation of Great-Grandparents is known for their penny-pinching, coupon clipping and famous homemade apple pies. Their independence and social bull-head attitude is an aspect generations have since lost. While an entire body of individuals store their homegrown food in cans and save every nickle they have, we make day-after-day trips to the grocery store. We rely on the man behind the counter wearing the red apron to have our milk, bread and meat. If they fail to supply it, we go a few miles to the next store and spend whatever it is to purchase that product. But what would happen if our food supply was cut off? What would this young generation do?
There has been a rumble underground from the cause of food insurance. Although the middle-aged generation is mainly known for multitasking and tremendous debt, they will also be known for their preparedness. While American students ranks 26th out of 30 in the World for Science, the youth ranks 1st in confidence. It is that confidence that is spreading the idea of being prepared in case of an emergency. While 90% of us watched in horror as victims of Katrina, died of starvation and dehydration, it has been the middle-aged American that has since pledged to never let their family go unprepared. While some of us spend $13000 per annum on health insurance, a growing number of people are spending only $6000 on a new kind of insurance. By purchasing a years supply of dehydrated food (, water ( and medical examination supplies (, families can be at peacefulness of mind if a natural disaster was to occur rather than relying on government to save them.
We may be distracted with todays most pop Reality TV Series, but lets hope we are focused on providing for our families.